With a long list of publications to her name, Ingrid has been part of the Australian literary scene for more than three decades.

As a student completing her Master of Arts in Creative Writing in the late 1990s, co-founded Australia’s first online writing journal, Mangrove, along with Course Convenor, author and academic Jan McKemmish. The publication is now archived as a Site of National Significance in the NLA.

Recently awarded a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Griffith University for her research in Creative Writing, previous academic credentials acquired over the years include a Master of Arts in Writing (Queensland University) and a Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in Communications (Newcastle University, Australia).

Also a graded journalist and sub-editor, Ingrid’s initial newsroom experience with Mackay’s Daily Mercury newspaper led to digital and print media roles with Pagemasters/AAP, Bauer Trader Media (formerly ACP); The Urban Developer and Newscorp, among others.

In the early 2000s, Ingrid established the Newcastle’s first Young Writers’ Program while working as an Arts Officer for Newcastle Regional Council. She was also part of the team behind the iconic Palais Royale Youth Venue. Housed in an historic former ice-skating rink in Newcastle’s Hunter Street, ‘The Palais’ is fondly remembered by many Novocastrians as the city’s only dedicated youth arts venue of the era, hosting workshops and all-ages rock concerts.

Ingrid’s wide-ranging interest in the arts over the years has led to commissions for exhibition catalogue essays produced by Newcastle Region Art Gallery and Queensland Art Gallery, among others. She has been a guest reader, panellist and volunteer at events and publications for literary organisations including the Brisbane Writers’ Festival, the Somerset Celebration of Literature; the Adelaide Writers’ Festival; the Newcastle Writers’ Festival and the Asia-Pacific Writers and Translators organisation (APWT), serving as both Secretary and Board Member for the latter. Ingrid has also served as a Board Member with the Smallroom Writers Collective, a Griffith University-based group which runs a monthly reading series with guest authors and emerging writers on the Gold Coast.

A passion for helping others hone their craft has led to tutoring roles in Creative Writing with Newcastle University and, most recently, Open Universities Australia. Ingrid also offers copyediting and proofreading services on request.